Divide by zero error in TIR pass lower_warp_memory

Hi all, I find an interesting bug when I try to build TVM module in CUDA env. The code example is listed below:

import tvm
from tvm import te, tir

ib = tir.ir_builder.IRBuilder()
bx = te.thread_axis("blockIdx.x")
tx = te.thread_axis("threadIdx.x")

with ib.new_scope():
    ib.scope_attr(bx, "thread_extent", 32)
    ib.scope_attr(tx, "thread_extent", 32)
    t = ib.allocate("float32", 16, name="t", scope="warp")
    n = ib.allocate("float32", 16, name="n", scope="local")
    n[0] = t[0]

stmt = ib.get()
f = tvm.tir.PrimFunc([], stmt)
f = f.with_attr('from_legacy_te_schedule', True)
m = tvm.lower(f)
tvm.build(m, target=tvm.target.Target('cuda'))

After running this code example, I got an unexpected floating point exception. To further analyze the root cause, I use gdb to trace its execution, and find out that warp_coeff_ can be 0 here.

To fix this unexpected error, we can simply add a check here. I’m just curious about the reason why warp_coeff_ is equal to 0. It seems to be related to the value of scope. :joy:

In addition to this, I find another bug will occur if I annotate the line f.with_attr('from_legacy_te_schedule', True).

After reading the source code in src/tir/transforms/unify_thread_binding.cc, I find out the reason. As we know, we can pass a NULL object as the dom when we create a new IterVar, while the TIR pass unify_thread_binding supposes that the dom exists and is valid. Therefore, this bug occurs. I’m also curious about the reason why from_legacy_te_schedule has this peculiar effect.

I believe unify thread binding should skip legacy the schedule.

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Thanks for your reply! I understand the reason why from_legacy_te_schedule brings something different. As the comment says, unify thread binding is only applied to TIR that is not from TE schedules. Therefore, such a crash is triggered.