ConvertLayout occur error with dynamic slice

Use TVM to process a model with dynamic slice such like:

x = x[:, :, y1:y2, x1:x2] # shape [N, C, H, W]
y = model(x)

when use TVM to convert layout to NHWC

desired_layouts = {
    "nn.conv2d": ["NHWC", "HWIO"],
seq = tvm.transform.Sequential([
    # PyTorch frontend assumes NCHW layout

occur error

The Relay type checker is unable to show the following types match:
  Tensor[(3, 3, meta[tir.FloorDiv][0], 16), float32]

  Tensor[(3, 3, 1, 16), float32]
In particular:
  dimension 2 conflicts: floordiv(?, 16) does not match 1.
The Relay type checker is unable to show the following types match.
In particular `Tensor[(3, 3, 1, 16), float32]` does not match `Tensor[(3, 3, meta[tir.FloorDiv][0], 16), float32]
The Relay type checker is unable to show the following types match:
  Tensor[(3, 3, meta[tir.FloorDiv][0], 64), float32]

  Tensor[(3, 3, 1, 64), float32]

What dose meta[tir.FloorDiv][0] mean?

Is there any suggestion to solve this error?