ConnectionRefusedError:[Error 111] Connection refused

when I try to follow the guide to install the VTA simulator, at this step, “python /vta/tests/python/integration/”, I came up with this error: ConnectionRefusedError:[Error 111] Connection refused

Can anyone tell me how to solve this problem?

looks like network connection issue - would you like to check the network?

thanks for your reply. I have checked the network and don’t know what kinds of issue would bring this problem.

Hi! I have met the same error, don’t know have you solved it?

Hi! I have met the same error111,do you completely solve it

@ducall Hi, Seems like it is a network problem when trying to download tophub.
You can download tophub manually by

git clone /tmp/tophub
mkdir ~/.tvm
cp -a /tmp/tophub ~/.tvm/tophub

thanks,I solve this Error by using your ideal.Thank you