Confusion about dynamic_shape in relay/op/tensor/

Hi all, I found there’s a is_dynamic_shape bool variable in relay/op/tensor/

template <typename AttrsType>
inline std::vector<IndexExpr> ReduceShapeImpl(const std::vector<IndexExpr>& in_shape,
                                              const AttrsType* param,
                                              const TypeReporter& reporter) {
  uint32_t indim = in_shape.size();
  auto r_axes = GetReduceAxes(indim, param->axis, param->exclude);
  if (!r_axes.size()) {
    return in_shape;

  auto max_shape = tir::make_const(DataType::Int(64), 1);
  bool is_dynamic_input = false;
  for (int64_t axis : r_axes) {
    if (in_shape[axis].as<IntImmNode>()) {
      max_shape *= in_shape[axis];
    } else {
      is_dynamic_input = true;

  if (is_dynamic_input) {
        max_shape < tir::make_const(DataType::Int(64), std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max())))
        << "The maximum possible index of reduced shape cannot be more than int32 max.";

This is_dynamic_shape is used to check the max_shape < int64_MAX, but there’s a problem: a break in r_axes for-loop, which make max_shape less than real reduced shape when meeting dynamic shape?

Thus, I think this break in r_axes for-loop need to remove. Besides, if break in r_axes for-loop removed, I think this assert is not enough safe, either.

  if (is_dynamic_input) {
        max_shape < tir::make_const(DataType::Int(64), std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max())))
        << "The maximum possible index of reduced shape cannot be more than int32 max.";

Unfortunately, there is no systematic dynamic shape support in Relay as you have already figured…Please use the TVM Unity branch, which supports dynamic shape natively, and based on TVM Unity, we demonstrated universal deployment of LLMs on a wide range of consumer hardware:

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