Codegen support for relax.layout_transform


When I am trying to do on the IRModule from tests/python/relax/ example, I am noticing build errors saying that the codegen support for the intrinsic(Op(relax.layout_transform)) is not handled.

Reduced test case:

from tvm import relax
from tvm.script import tir as T, ir as I, relax as R

class AddTest:
    def relax_add_replacement(arg0: T.Buffer((4, 4), "float32"), arg1: T.Buffer((4, 4), "float32"), output: T.Buffer((4, 4), "float32")):
        T.func_attr({"operator_name": "relax.add"})
        for ax0, ax1 in T.grid(4, 4):
            with T.block("T_add"):
                v_ax0, v_ax1 = T.axis.remap("SS", [ax0, ax1])
                T.reads(arg0[v_ax0, v_ax1], arg1[v_ax0, v_ax1])
                T.writes(output[v_ax0, v_ax1])
                output[v_ax0, v_ax1] = arg0[v_ax0, v_ax1] + arg1[v_ax0, v_ax1]

    def main(x: R.Tensor((16,), dtype="float32"), y: R.Tensor((16,), dtype="float32")) -> R.Tensor((16,), dtype="float32"):
        with R.dataflow():
            lv: R.Tensor((4, 4), dtype="float32") = R.layout_transform(x, index_map=lambda i: (i // 4, i % 4), pad_value=None)
            lv1: R.Tensor((4, 4), dtype="float32") = R.layout_transform(y, index_map=lambda i: (i // 4, i % 4), pad_value=None)
            lv2 = R.call_tir(AddTest.relax_add_replacement, (lv, lv1), out_sinfo=R.Tensor((4, 4), dtype="float32"))
            lv_1: R.Tensor((16,), dtype="float32") = R.layout_transform(lv2, index_map=lambda axis0, axis1: (axis0 * 4 + axis1,), pad_value=None)
            gv: R.Tensor((16,), dtype="float32") = lv_1
        return gv

lib =, target="llvm", exec_mode="compiled")

Upon compiling above test case, I am seeing this error,

>>>>>> File “tvm/src/relax/backend/vm/”, line 240 :: TVMError: CodeGenVMTIR cannot handle this intrinsic now: Op(relax.layout_transform)

Can someone please let me know why the support is not being added or point me to any existing issue where they are tracking adding codegen support for relax.layout_transform?


I guess there is no op legalization support for relax.layout_transform. cc @MasterJH5574

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Here is the tracking issue for the current layout planning

Going through the list of points, it looks to me that the relax.layout_transform op is intendedly used by some other passes and is not directly codegened (lowered to TIR). So at this moment, a Relax function with relax.layout_transform cannot be build.

cc @psrivas2 who manages the tracking thread for more followups

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@rutkoor yes, the layout transform op is missing legalization. Let me send a PR that implements layout_transform legalization.


Thanks @Hzfengsy, @MasterJH5574, @psrivas2 for quick reply. I will wait for the PR that implements layout_transform legalization.

PR to add legalization for layout_transform was sent out today Thanks @leshenj15!

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Thanks, @leshenj15 and @psrivas2 for adding legalization support for layout_transform.