Getting this error while setting up Autotune for my OpenCL target follow this tutorial
The tuning just goes on for a while giving this error every second or so, ending with
WARNING:autotvm:Too many errors happen in the tuning. Switching to debug mode.
WARNING:root:Could not find any valid schedule for task Task(func_name=conv2d_nchwc.image2d, args=(('TENSOR', (1, 3, 224, 224), 'float16'), ('TENSOR', (64, 3, 7, 7), 'float16'), (2, 2), (3, 3, 3, 3), (1, 1), 'float32'), kwargs={}, workload=('conv2d_nchwc.image2d', ('TENSOR', (1, 3, 224, 224), 'float16'), ('TENSOR', (64, 3, 7, 7), 'float16'), (2, 2), (3, 3, 3, 3), (1, 1), 'float32')). A file containing the errors has been written to /var/folders/0k/4_g9gvz567j5wm49qqmmqy040000gn/T/tvm_tuning_errors_okvd7qm4.log.
DEBUG:autotvm:Finish loading 2813 records
INFO:autotvm:Extract 0 best records from the adreno-resnet18.log.tmp