Cannot squeeze axis with dimension not equal to 1

I have trained LSTM network and want to do a performance comparison between Keras and TVM on my personal laptop CPU. For that, I am using 10 values to pass through the network directly.

data shape is [10,1,6] ###################################################################### #model is loaded from the .h5 file

data = test_X[0:10,:,:]
shape_dict = {"lstm_1_input": data.shape}
mod, params = relay.frontend.from_keras(model, shape_dict)

compile the model

target = "llvm"
ctx = tvm.cpu(0)
with tvm.transform.PassContext(opt_level=3):
    executor = relay.build_module.create_executor("graph", mod, ctx, target)

print("Test Data Shape = ",data.shape)
dtype = "float32"
data2 = data.astype(dtype)
tvm_out = executor.evaluate()(tvm.nd.array(data2), **params)
top1_tvm = np.argmax(tvm_out.asnumpy()[0])


For the above code, I am getting below error

Check failed: *axis_ptr == 1 (10 vs. 1) : cannot squeeze axis with dimension not equal to 1.

Its basically feeding the TVM multiple inputs simultaneously.

Hi, I have exactly the same problem with LSTM. Any news on the topic please?

@myuniqueusername, There has already been a month since I post this query. I don’t think there is any solution as of now. Please let me know if you have come across something.

Hi @ravish,

I am not sure what output shape do you expect from squeezing [10,1,6] at the first dimension. Can you address it a bit?