"Cannot find the Realization point of tensor" when using tvm.lower inside register_topi_schedule

Hi all.

Problem description

I have been trying to write a custom schedule for a dense layer. I have been using the vta/python/vta/top/vta_dense.py file as a guide. I have written my compute and registered it using @autotvm.register_topi_compute, and then created the schedule and registered it using @autotvm.register_topi_schedule.

My compute is almost equal to the vta example, but only with 2 dimensions instead of 4. My schedule will be a little different, but I am getting an error directly at the beginning of the schedule function, every time I want to call tvm.lower to print the schedule and see the changes I am doing to it.

This is the error:

Check failed: (allow_alloc) is false: Cannot find the Realization point of tensor Tensor(shape=[1], op.name=placeholder)

A similar error was reported here but there was no solution.

Custom code used

This is my module, before calling tvm.build:

#[version = "0.0.5"]
def @main(%serving_default_x:0: Tensor[(8, 8), uint8], %serving_default_y:0: Tensor[(8, 8), uint8]) {
  %0 = qnn.requantize(%serving_default_x:0, 0.996078f, 0, 0.996078f, -128, out_dtype="int8");
  %1 = qnn.requantize(%serving_default_y:0, 0.996078f, 0, 0.996078f, -128, out_dtype="int8");
  %2 = reshape(%0, newshape=[-1, 8]);
  %3 = transpose(%1, axes=[1, 0]);
  %4 = qnn.dense(%2, %3, -128, -128, 0.996078f, 0.996078f, units=8, out_dtype="int32");
  %5 = qnn.requantize(%4, 0.992172f, 0, 1082.65f, -128, out_dtype="int8");
  qnn.requantize(%5, 1082.65f, -128, 1082.65f, 0, out_dtype="uint8")

I have registered a new dense_strategy with the following code:

    def dense_strategy_custom_acc(attrs, inputs, out_type, target):
        """dense custom_acc strategy"""
        if len(inputs[0].shape) == 2:
            strategy = OpStrategy()
            return strategy
        return None

I have registered my compute with the following code:

def dense(cfg, data, weight, bias=None, out_dtype=None):
    """Dense function declaration."""

    if len(data.shape) != 2 or len(weight.shape) != 2:
        raise topi.InvalidShapeError()

    # Derive shapes
    ishape = topi.utils.get_const_tuple(data.shape)
    wshape = topi.utils.get_const_tuple(weight.shape)
    oshape = (data.shape[0], weight.shape[1])

    # Reduction axes
    assert ishape[0] == wshape[0]
    k_o = te.reduce_axis((0, wshape[1]), name="k_o")

    res = te.compute(
        lambda b_o, c_o: te.sum(
            data[b_o, k_o].astype(out_dtype) * weight[c_o, k_o].astype(out_dtype),

    cfg.add_flop(2 * np.prod(topi.utils.get_const_tuple(oshape)) * ishape[0] * ishape[1])

    return res

And my schedule like this (I only put the beginning because thats where the error is):

def schedule_dense(cfg, outs):
    """Dense schedule."""

    assert len(outs) == 1
    output = outs[0]
    const_ops = []
    ewise_inputs = []
    ewise_ops = []
    dense_res = []
    assert "int" in output.op.input_tensors[0].dtype

    def _traverse(op):
        if topi.tag.is_broadcast(op.tag):
            if not op.same_as(output.op):
                if not op.axis:
            for tensor in op.input_tensors:
                if isinstance(tensor.op, tvm.te.PlaceholderOp):
                    ewise_inputs.append((op, tensor))
            assert op.tag == "dense"

    assert len(dense_res) == 1
    dense_stage = dense_res[0].output(0)
    outs = [outs] if isinstance(outs, te.tensor.Tensor) else outs
    sch = te.create_schedule([x.op for x in outs])

    ##### space definition begin #####
    x, y = sch[dense_stage].op.axis
    (z,) = sch[dense_stage].op.reduce_axis
    ###### space definition end ######

    data, weight = dense_stage.op.input_tensors


The “print” line at the end of the schedule function is the one that is raising the error. I am finding it difficult to debug this issue. Any recommendations?

EDIT: of course, if you have another idea to debug the changes that are done inside a register_topi_schedule function instead of printing the schedule at every step using tvm.lower, I would really appreciate the feedback.