[BYOC] Graph Annotation not working


I tried to implemented the graph annotation as required for the BYOC flow and basically copied over most of the DNNL example and extended it, but now when testing the graph annotation with

mod = transform.AnnotateTarget("dla")(mod)
mod = transform.PartitionGraph()(mod)

the graph does not change. What did I miss?

The graph:

def @main(%x: Tensor[(10, 10), int8], %y: Tensor[(10, 10), int8]) -> Tensor[(10, 10), int8] { %0 = multiply(%y, %y) /* ty=Tensor[(10, 10), int8] /; %1 = add(%x, %x) / ty=Tensor[(10, 10), int8] /; subtract(%0, %1) / ty=Tensor[(10, 10), int8] */ }

the annotation rules:

def _register_external_op_helper(op_name, supported=True):

    @tvm.ir.register_op_attr(op_name, "target.dla")
    def _func_wrapper(attrs, args):
        return supported
    return _func_wrapper


def dla_pattern_table():
    def qnn_conv_pattern():
        """Create a quantized convolution pattern.
        pattern : dataflow_pattern.AltPattern
            Denotes the convolution pattern.

        #Relay handles padding as separate operation
        #but Simulator inlines it (cause it is using the TF implementation)
        pattern = is_op('nn.pad')(wildcard()) | wildcard()
        pattern = is_op('qnn.conv2d')(
            pattern, is_constant(), is_constant(), is_constant(), is_constant(), is_constant())
        pattern = pattern.optional(lambda x: is_op('nn.bias_add')(x, is_constant()))
        pattern = is_op('qnn.requantize')(
            pattern, wildcard(), wildcard(), is_constant(), is_constant())
        return pattern

    def check_qnn_conv(extract):
        """Check qnn conv pattern is supported by dla."""
        if extract.attrs.out_dtype != "int8":
            return False
        call = extract
        while call.op.name != "qnn.conv2d":
            call = call.args[0]
        return qnn_conv2d(call.attrs, call.args)

    def qnn_dense_pattern():
        pattern = is_op('qnn.dense')(
            pattern, is_constant(), is_constant(), is_constant(), is_constant(), is_constant())
        pattern = pattern.optional(lambda x: is_op('nn.bias_add')(x, is_constant()))
        pattern = is_op('qnn.requantize')(
            pattern, wildcard(), wildcard(), is_constant(), is_constant())
        return pattern


    def check_qnn_dense(extract):
        """Check if qnn dense pattern is supported by dla"""
        if extract.attrs.out_dtype != "int8":
            return False
        call = extract
        while call.op.name != "qnn.dense":
            call = call.args[0]
        return qnn_dense(call.attrs, call.args)
    return ['dla.qnn_conv2d', qnn_conv_pattern(), check_qnn_conv),
            'dla.qnn_dense', qnn_dense_pattern(), check_qnn_dense)]


Could you print(mod) after calling AnnotateTarget?

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It was identical to the input, but I just found the issue: I installed TVM and Relay using the setup.py and forgot about it, as the inclusion of the path in .bashrc did not work for some reason.

Thank you :slight_smile:

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