Build tvm static library

Hi, I want to build the tvm library in static format, the default is shared. So I change the CMakelish.txt file as follpws, #add_library(tvm SHARED ${COMPILER_SRCS} ${RUNTIME_SRCS}) #add_library(tvm_topi SHARED ${TOPI_SRCS}) #add_library(tvm_runtime SHARED ${RUNTIME_SRCS}) add_library(tvm STATIC ${COMPILER_SRCS} ${RUNTIME_SRCS}) add_library(tvm_topi STATIC ${TOPI_SRCS}) add_library(tvm_runtime STATIC ${RUNTIME_SRCS}) After cmake and make, I get libtvm.a, libtvm_runtime.a, libtvm_topi.a But I find the static libs are slower than shared. Any one can help me?