[backend codegen] Hexagon Backend codegen

Hi there!

Recently, I’ve been working with the Hexagon backend codegen and encountered a few questions. Here’s a simple example related to VTCM buffer allocation:

def test_alloc_vtcm():
    target = tvm.target.hexagon("v66")

    buf_len = 2048
    A = tvm.te.placeholder((buf_len,), name="A", dtype="int8")
    B = tvm.te.placeholder((buf_len,), name="B", dtype="int8")

    A_buf = tvm.te.compute((buf_len,), lambda *i: A(*i), "A_buf")
    B_buf = tvm.te.compute((buf_len,), lambda *i: B(*i), "B_buf")
    C = tvm.te.compute((buf_len,), lambda *i: A_buf(*i) + B_buf(*i), name="C")
    s = tvm.te.create_schedule(C.op)
    irmod = tvm.lower(s, [A, B, C])
    # Use VTCM for each buffer.
    config = {"tir.add_lower_pass": hexagon.ir_lower_vtcm_pass()}
    with tvm.transform.PassContext(config=config):
        irmod = tvm.lower(s, [A, B, C], name="alloc_vtcm")
    # print(irmod)
    func_tir = tvm.build(irmod,  [A, B, C],target=get_hexagon_target("v68"))
    calls = re.findall("HexagonBackend[A-Za-z]*VTCM", str(irmod["alloc_vtcm"]))

and the lowerd main tir code:

    def alloc_vtcm(A: T.Buffer((2048,), "int8"), B: T.Buffer((2048,), "int8"), C: T.Buffer((2048,), "int8")):
        T.func_attr({"from_legacy_te_schedule": T.bool(True), "tir.noalias": T.bool(True)})
        A_buf: T.handle("int8", "local.vtcm") = T.call_extern("handle", "HexagonBackendAllocateVTCM", 2048, 2048)
        if T.isnullptr(A_buf):
            with T.LetStmt(T.call_extern("handle", "HexagonBackendAllocateVTCM", 2048, 2048), T.handle("int8", "local.vtcm")) as B_buf:
                if T.isnullptr(B_buf):
                    A_buf_1 = T.Buffer((2048,), "int8", data=A_buf, scope="local.vtcm", align=128)
                    for i0 in range(2048):
                        A_buf_1[i0] = A[i0]
                    B_buf_1 = T.Buffer((2048,), "int8", data=B_buf, scope="local.vtcm", align=128)
                    for i0 in range(2048):
                        B_buf_1[i0] = B[i0]
                    for i0 in range(2048):
                        C[i0] = A_buf_1[i0] + B_buf_1[i0]
                    T.call_extern("handle", "HexagonBackendFreeVTCM", B_buf)
            T.call_extern("handle", "HexagonBackendFreeVTCM", A_buf)

So abviously there is a call_extern to HexagonBackendFreeVTCM / HexagonBackendAllocateVTCM, and the result asm also contain this call like this:

	call HexagonBackendFreeVTCM
	if (q1) vmem(r2+#0) = v31

I checked the entire compilation process(codegen_hexagon.cc)and the final obj file generate by LLVM, the call HexagonBackendFreeVTCM / HexagonBackendAllocateVTCM is remain undefined,:

00000010 b .tvm_func.__tvm_set_device
         U HexagonBackendAllocateVTCM
         U HexagonBackendFreeVTCM

My current guess towards this: Hexagon Call is linked somewhere, and the relevant library code is located in src/runtime/hexagon,but now I still can’t find this linking period, However, I still haven’t pinpointed where this linking occurs.

Does anyone have insights on how this linking is handled? Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

cc @kparzysz @sanirudh