An error occurs when compiling the H5 model using TVM

I am trying to use TVM to compile the previously trained H5 models stored locally. My code is as follows:

import tvm from tvm import te import tvm.relay as relay from import download_testdata import keras import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np from keras.models import load_model

model_path=r’./model/lenet5-fashion-mnist_origin.h5’ my_model=load_model(model_path) data_shape=(1,28,28,1) shape_dict = {“conv2d_1”: data_shape} mod, params = relay.frontend.from_keras(my_model, shape_dict) target = “llvm” dev = tvm.cpu(0)

with tvm.transform.PassContext(opt_level=0): model = relay.build_module.create_executor(“graph”, mod, dev, target, params).evaluate()

but when I finish executing the above codes, TVM will return the following exception:

To enable them in other operations, rebuild TensorFlow with the appropriate compiler flags. WARNING:tensorflow:No training configuration found in the save file, so the model was not compiled. Compile it manually. The type inference pass was unable to infer a type for this expression. This usually occurs when an operator call is under constrained in some way, check other reported errors for hints of what may of happened. The type inference pass was unable to infer a type for this expression. This usually occurs when an operator call is under constrained in some way, check other reported errors for hints of what may of happened. The type inference pass was unable to infer a type for this expression. This usually occurs when an operator call is under constrained in some way, check other reported errors for hints of what may of happened. The type inference pass was unable to infer a type for this expression. This usually occurs when an operator call is under constrained in some way, check other reported errors for hints of what may of happened. The type inference pass was unable to infer a type for this expression. This usually occurs when an operator call is under constrained in some way, check other reported errors for hints of what may of happened. The type inference pass was unable to infer a type for this expression. This usually occurs when an operator call is under constrained in some way, check other reported errors for hints of what may of happened. The type inference pass was unable to infer a type for this expression. This usually occurs when an operator call is under constrained in some way, check other reported errors for hints of what may of happened. The type inference pass was unable to infer a type for this expression. This usually occurs when an operator call is under constrained in some way, check other reported errors for hints of what may of happened. The type inference pass was unable to infer a type for this expression. This usually occurs when an operator call is under constrained in some way, check other reported errors for hints of what may of happened. The type inference pass was unable to infer a type for this expression. This usually occurs when an operator call is under constrained in some way, check other reported errors for hints of what may of happened. The type inference pass was unable to infer a type for this expression. This usually occurs when an operator call is under constrained in some way, check other reported errors for hints of what may of happened. The type inference pass was unable to infer a type for this expression. This usually occurs when an operator call is under constrained in some way, check other reported errors for hints of what may of happened. The type inference pass was unable to infer a type for this expression. This usually occurs when an operator call is under constrained in some way, check other reported errors for hints of what may of happened. The type inference pass was unable to infer a type for this expression. This usually occurs when an operator call is under constrained in some way, check other reported errors for hints of what may of happened. The type inference pass was unable to infer a type for this expression. This usually occurs when an operator call is under constrained in some way, check other reported errors for hints of what may of happened. The type inference pass was unable to infer a type for this expression. This usually occurs when an operator call is under constrained in some way, check other reported errors for hints of what may of happened. The type inference pass was unable to infer a type for this expression. This usually occurs when an operator call is under constrained in some way, check other reported errors for hints of what may of happened. The type inference pass was unable to infer a type for this expression. This usually occurs when an operator call is under constrained in some way, check other reported errors for hints of what may of happened. The type inference pass was unable to infer a type for this expression. This usually occurs when an operator call is under constrained in some way, check other reported errors for hints of what may of happened. The type inference pass was unable to infer a type for this expression. This usually occurs when an operator call is under constrained in some way, check other reported errors for hints of what may of happened. note: run with TVM_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display a backtrace.

May I ask you for an answer? Thank you very much. I am looking forward to your answers .