VM Flow is not updating the lib after on the fly quantization

@masahi We are doing on the fly quantization and saving the .so file with graph runtime and it is working fine. We are planning to do the same with vm flow. However, in vm flow, the lib is not updating after on the fly quantization. Am I missing anything while saving .so file?

        mod = partition_for_vitis_ai(mod, params, target)
        vai_build_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), target + '_build')
        vai_work_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), target + '_work')
        export_rt_mod_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'dpu.rtmod')
        build_options = {
            'dpu': target,
            'build_dir': vai_build_dir,
            'work_dir': vai_work_dir,
            'export_runtime_module': export_rt_mod_file

        with tvm.transform.PassContext(opt_level=3,
                                        config={'relay.ext.vitis_ai.options': build_options}): 
            executable = rly_vm.compile(mod, target=tvm_target, params=params)
        code, lib = executable.save()
        lib.export_library(model + '_' + target + '.so')
        with open(model + '_' + target + '.ro', "wb") as fo:

        ## Create TVM InferenceSession
        print("Create InferenceSession")

        loaded_lib = tvm.runtime.load_module(model + '_' + target + '.so')
        loaded_code = bytearray(open(model + '_' + target + '.ro', "rb").read())
        des_exec  = _vm.Executable.load_exec(loaded_code, loaded_lib)
        InferenceSession = _vm.VirtualMachine(des_exec, tvm.cpu())

        ## Quantization using first N inputs
        ## Usually, to be able to accelerate inference of Neural 
        ## Network models with Vitis-AI DPU accelerators, those models 
        ## need to quantized upfront. In the ONNXRuntime Vitis-AI 
        ## execution provider we make use of on-the-fly quantization 
        ## to remove this additional preprocessing step. In this flow,
        ## one doesn't need to quantize his/her model upfront but can 
        ## make use of the typical inference execution calls 
        ## (InferenceSession.run) to quantize the model on-the-fly 
        ## using the first N inputs. This will set up and calibrate
        ## the Vitis-AI DPU and from that point onwards inference 
        ## will be accelerated for all next inputs.
        ## Set the number of inputs used for quantization to e.g. 8 
        ## using the PX_QUANT_SIZE environment variable if you want
        ## to quantize on fewer inputs. The default is 128.
        px_quant_size = int(os.environ['PX_QUANT_SIZE']) \
            if 'PX_QUANT_SIZE' in os.environ else 128
        for i in range(px_quant_size):

		lib.export_library(model + '_' + target + '.so')

Do you mean you expect the content of lib to change after you run the models? I’d be surprised if there is such side effect. Is that how it works with the graph runtime?

Yes @masahi. We run certain number of iterations and then we do on the fly quantization and compilation. After on the fly quantization and compilation we export the lib. The exported lib is updated and if load this lib it would run subgraph on fpga. These instructions are specified in this page.

I think it’s quite possible that for VM, lib and InferenceSession are decoupled once they are created. Actually, such behavior is more intuitive for me than the graph runtime case.

Also I don’t understand what exactly is happening when you run

for i in range(128):
   module.set_input(input_name, inputs[i])

for on the fly quantization. I don’t know what kind of change such warm up runs cause to lib.