[RFC] Support for large tensors

Sure, I agree that i32+i32 should map to i32 as the normal rules. I just mean that in the relay build, we might want to directly create vars whose dtype is i64

I made a simple pass: https://github.com/hzfan/tvm/pull/3/files

Basically I implemented a DataTypeRewrite pass, and a SymIntBoundAnalyzer. I use the analyzer to check whether an expression is purely symbolic, like Case5 and Case6 in the following.

The results are as follows:

Case1 (2.i32, 2.i32, 2.i32) + (2.i32, 2.i32, 2.i32):

produce c {
  for (i0.int32, 0, 2) {
    for (i1.int32, 0, 2) {
      for (i2.int32, 0, 2) {
        c.handle[(((i0.int32*4) + (i1.int32*2)) + i2.int32)] = (a.handle[(((i0.int32*4) + (i1.int32*2)) + i2.int32)] + b.handle[(((i0.int32*4) + (i1.int32*2)) + i2.int32)])

Case2 (2.i64, 2.i64, 2.i64) + (2.i64, 2.i64, 2.i64):

Same as case1. This indicates that tvm.const(2, dtype=‘int64’) gets narrowed to i32. On the other hand, this also indicates that the dtype in tvm.const(2, dtype=‘int64’) is essentially killed.

Case3 (2^16.i32, 2^16.i32) + (2^16.i32, 2^16.i32):

produce c {
  for (i0.int32, 0, 65536) {
    for (i1.int32, 0, 65536) {
      c.handle[((int64(i0.int32)*(int64)65536) + int64(i1.int32))] = (a.handle[((int64(i0.int32)*(int64)65536) + int64(i1.int32))] + b.handle[((int64(i0.int32)*(int64)65536) + int64(i1.int32))])

This indicates automatic type promotion to prevent possible overflow.

Case4 (2^16.i64, 2^16. i64) + (2^16.i64, 2^16.i64):

Same as Case3.

Case5 (n.i32, m.i32, k.i32) + (n.i32, m.i32, k.i32):

produce c {
  for (i0.int32, 0, n.int32) {
    for (i1.int32, 0, m.int32) {
      for (i2.int32, 0, k.int32) {
        c.handle[(((i0.int32*stride.int32) + (i1.int32*stride.int32)) + (i2.int32*stride.int32))] = (a.handle[(((i0.int32*stride.int32) + (i1.int32*stride.int32)) + (i2.int32*stride.int32))] + b.handle[(((i0.int32*stride.int32) + (i1.int32*stride.int32)) + (i2.int32*stride.int32))])

With purely symbolic shapes, we do NOT promote datatype based on the bound provided by Analyzer, to make sure that i32+i32 remains i32.

Case6 (n.i64, m.i64, k.i64) + (n.i64, m.i64, k.i64):

produce c {
  for (i0.int64, (int64)0, n.int64) {
    for (i1.int64, (int64)0, m.int64) {
      for (i2.int64, (int64)0, k.int64) {
        c.handle[(((i0.int64*stride.int64) + (i1.int64*stride.int64)) + (i2.int64*stride.int64))] = (a.handle[(((i0.int64*stride.int64) + (i1.int64*stride.int64)) + (i2.int64*stride.int64))] + b.handle[(((i0.int64*stride.int64) + (i1.int64*stride.int64)) + (i2.int64*stride.int64))])

Some notes, sorry for not being clear

I don’t think we should automatically promote i32 + i32 -> i64 when there is an overflow. Because it is different from the standard convention of normal typed language(e.g. C++).

for (int64 i= 0 ; i < 100; ++i) {
   A[i * 2 + 1] = 0 

For example, i in the above program can be downgraded into i32, because all the expressions that refers to it, in this case i * 2 + 1 falls within the i32 bound.

instead, we should be able to downgrade i64 expressions to i32 expression(or even i16), (e.g. change the type of a loop var), if we find that all the intermediate results are within bound of i32(use ConstIntBoundAnalyzer, no need to add a new analyzer)

Thanks for clarification. I implemented a new pass. The idea is to first rewrite the type of a loop var by examining all expressions containing it. Then I do some necessary promotion to make sure operands of one operation (like add) share one type. The code: https://github.com/hzfan/tvm/pull/4/files

The controversial case is that for purely symbolic shapes, i64_t will be deduced for a loop_var:

(n.i32, m.i32) + (n.i32, m.i32):

stmt = produce c {
  for (i0.int64, (int64)0, int64(n.int32)) {
    for (i1.int64, (int64)0, int64(m.int32)) {
      c.handle[((i0.int64*int64(stride.int32)) + (i1.int64*int64(stride.int32)))] = (a.handle[((i0.int64*int64(stride.int32)) + (i1.int64*int64(stride.int32)))] + b.handle[((i0.int64*int64(stride.int32)) + (i1.int64*int64(stride.int32)))])

Const shapes behave as expected:

Case1 (2, 2, 2) + (2, 2, 2)

stmt = produce c {
  for (i0.int32, 0, 2) {
    for (i1.int32, 0, 2) {
      for (i2.int32, 0, 2) {
        c.handle[(((i0.int32*4) + (i1.int32*2)) + i2.int32)] = (a.handle[(((i0.int32*4) + (i1.int32*2)) + i2.int32)] + b.handle[(((i0.int32*4) + (i1.int32*2)) + i2.int32)])

Case2 (2^16, 2^16) + (2^16, 2^16)

stmt = produce c {
  for (i0.int64, (int64)0, (int64)65536) {
    for (i1.int64, (int64)0, (int64)65536) {
      c.handle[((i0.int64*(int64)65536) + i1.int64)] = (a.handle[((i0.int64*(int64)65536) + i1.int64)] + b.handle[((i0.int64*(int64)65536) + i1.int64)])

Not sure if this is good, should we respect the i32 var type that was specified?

Agree. I made a few modification according to your suggestion: https://github.com/hzfan/tvm/pull/4/files

Case1 (n.i32, m.i32) + (n.i32, m.i32):

produce c {
  for (i0.int32, 0, n.int32) {
    for (i1.int32, 0, m.int32) {
      c.handle[((i0.int32*stride.int32) + (i1.int32*stride.int32))] = (a.handle[((i0.int32*stride.int32) + (i1.int32*stride.int32))] + b.handle[((i0.int32*stride.int32) + (i1.int32*stride.int32))])

Case2 (n.i64, m.i64) + (n.i64, m.i64):

produce c {
  for (i0.int64, (int64)0, n.int64) {
    for (i1.int64, (int64)0, m.int64) {
      c.handle[((i0.int64*stride.int64) + (i1.int64*stride.int64))] = (a.handle[((i0.int64*stride.int64) + (i1.int64*stride.int64))] + b.handle[((i0.int64*stride.int64) + (i1.int64*stride.int64))])

Case3 (2.i32, 2.i32, 2.i32) + (2.i32, 2.i32, 2.i32):

produce c {
  for (i0.int32, 0, 2) {
    for (i1.int32, 0, 2) {
      for (i2.int32, 0, 2) {
        c.handle[(((i0.int32*4) + (i1.int32*2)) + i2.int32)] = (a.handle[(((i0.int32*4) + (i1.int32*2)) + i2.int32)] + b.handle[(((i0.int32*4) + (i1.int32*2)) + i2.int32)])

Case4 (2.i64, 2.i64, 2.i64) + (2.i64, 2.i64, 2.i64)

In this case, we narrow the type to i32.

produce c {
  for (i0.int32, 0, 2) {
    for (i1.int32, 0, 2) {
      for (i2.int32, 0, 2) {
        c.handle[(((i0.int32*4) + (i1.int32*2)) + i2.int32)] = (a.handle[(((i0.int32*4) + (i1.int32*2)) + i2.int32)] + b.handle[(((i0.int32*4) + (i1.int32*2)) + i2.int32)])

Case5 (65536.i32, 65536.i32) + (65536.i32, 65536.i32)

In this case, i32 is used, we do not auto-promote the type even in the case of overflow.

produce c {
  for (i0.int32, 0, 65536) {
    for (i1.int32, 0, 65536) {
      c.handle[((i0.int32*65536) + i1.int32)] = (a.handle[((i0.int32*65536) + i1.int32)] + b.handle[((i0.int32*65536) + i1.int32)])

Case6 (65536.i64, 65536.i64) + (65536.i64, 65536.i64)

produce c {
  for (i0.int64, (int64)0, (int64)65536) {
    for (i1.int64, (int64)0, (int64)65536) {
      c.handle[((i0.int64*(int64)65536) + i1.int64)] = (a.handle[((i0.int64*(int64)65536) + i1.int64)] + b.handle[((i0.int64*(int64)65536) + i1.int64)])

Is the PR ready for review in upstream?

Yes. I will submit a PR in upstream.

Is int64 tensor fully supported in the main branch now?