I tried to get the µTVM example to run on the Cypress PSoC 6 boards, but failed.
The hope was to get the main program loop running on the M0+ core, while the M4 would run the more demanding neural networks (on demand, not always).
However, the support for PSoC boards in zephyr seems to be limited, as I was not able to compile example for it and zephyr is limited in the flashing capabilities, which would be a problem for autoTVM.
Cypress has its own IDE with the ModusToolbox, which has more options in regards to the flashing and debugging flow, compared to zephyr, but I could not find any RTOS components in it.
What do I need to modify to replace zehpyr with a complete bare-metal approach? I remember reading about it either here or in the docs, as I found a link to this class platform.h, but it seems like it is lacking any mini RPC methods?