I think there is a mistake in tvm.relay.build API reference?

in v0.8.beta0 version Python API reference, [tvm.relay.build] part (tvm.relay — tvm 0.8.dev0 documentation) documented:


  • graph_json (str) – The json string that can be accepted by graph runtime.
  • mod (tvm.Module) – The module containing necessary libraries.
  • params (dict) – The parameters of the final graph.

but actually, build() return

factory_module : tvm.relay.backend.graph_runtime_factory.GraphRuntimeFactoryModule The runtime factory for the TVM graph runtime.

which is descripted at tvm.relay.build_module.py#113, however this BuildModule.build() return graph_json, mod, params

it makes me a little confused when looking at demo and API ref, i think these two doc strings need to swap position?