I’m a newcomer and followed this comment to try to dump the debugging infos. I’m sure I turned on USE_RELAY_DEBUG and exported environmental variable TVM_LOG_DEBUG. However, I tried a few examples such as this old one with Relay or this newer one with Relax. Neither dumps the IR. Do I have to make any further adjustment in order to do what I expected?
You can directly use print(mod)
to dump the IRModule
However, I want to dump the IR module after each passes. Do I have to do it manually? It seems this post wants to achieve what I want.
This worked for me:
from tvm.ir.instrument import PrintAfterAll, PrintBeforeAll
with tvm.transform.PassContext(opt_level=3, instruments=[PrintBeforeAll(), PrintAfterAll()]):
mod = tvm.tir.transform.DefaultGPUSchedule()(mod)
ex = relax.build(mod, target, exec_mode="compiled")
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Thank you very much. It worked!