Google lasted work: MLIR Primer

thanks for these useful info and doc

Just as a info/update on this thread, MLIR now have “controlable schedule” concept that allows a separate schedule to control things on a IR. As a example, in their presentation, Halide and TVM are cited. Probably now, with this, is more easy (or at least it would be) and straightforward to represent TVM’s schedule part and the TIR parts with MLIR. This “controlable part” (or schedule) is a dialect itself, but one controlling elements of a IR.

I leave this here, just as a pure info, but I assume many of you are already being aware.

The presentation:


The shared focus between Poly and TVM lies in their use of integer and integer set analysis. I see a valuable opportunity for both MLIR and TVM to enhance and benefit from each other in this area. Essentially, the central concept here involves leveraging integer set analysis, which could be referred to as polyhedral or hypercube analysis. :blush:

May be this will help you more