Does frontend.from_xxx do anything like tvm.lower()?

I’d like to know tvm compiling flow and I wrote some test code to see every step tvm does. I read the Example Compilation Flow( Design and Architecture — tvm 0.8.dev0 documentation) which show that

  • tvm load frontend module to relay IR
  • tvm lower the relay IR to tir IR

so I wrote test code like:

mod, params = relay.frontend.from_onnx(onnx_model)
lower_mod = tvm.lower(mod)

But I find that there is no difference between mod and lower_mod with print(mod.astext(show_meta_data=False))

why? Does it mean frontend.from_xxx has done what tvm.lower does?

Hi @chiuchiu, I don’t think the relay importer does lowering. Could you provide the onnx_model or your entire test code?

@yuchenj ,thanks for your reply, my test code is as follows:

def write_file(filename, mod):
    with open(filename, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        print(mod.astext(show_meta_data=False), file = f)

def load_onnx(model_path):
    onnx_model = onnx.load(model_path)
    graphviz = GraphvizOutput(output_file='tvm_from_onnx_callstack.png')
    with PyCallGraph(output=graphviz):
        mod, params = relay.frontend.from_onnx(onnx_model) # no shape param passing is also OK
    return mod

def show_graph_orig_irmodule(mod):
    write_file('orig_ir.mod', mod)
    return mod

def show_graph_lower_irmodule(mod):
    graphviz = GraphvizOutput(output_file='tvm_lower_callstack.png')
    with PyCallGraph(output=graphviz):
        lower_mod = tvm.lower(mod)
    write_file('lower_ir.mod', lower_mod)
    return lower_mod

def show_tvm_proc():
    # show onnx local model
    mod = load_onnx('resnet50-v2-7.onnx')
    mod = show_graph_orig_irmodule(mod)

def main():

the onnx model is one trained model which was downloaded from somewhere. is there any bug in my test code? Thanks!

@chiuchiu, I took a look at the tvm.lower() api. Usually, it takes a TE schedule and lowers that as shown in the use case here. It can also take a PrimFunc or a IRModule as the first argument. When you pass an IRModule to it, a set of passes will be created, it seems to me that these passes created are TIR passes instead of Relay passes.

So my understanding is that if you give it a Relay IRModule, it will do nothing; while if you give it a TIR IRmodule, it will do the lowering. I’m not sure if I understand correctly, @junrushao might be able to correct me. :slight_smile:

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@yuchenj ,thanks for your reply!

  1. If tvm.lower() will do nothing about Relay IR, why does it accept the type as its parameter?

  2. I took a look at some user example using ...) compiling computational graph into llvm file. I think will transform Relay IR to Tir IR then transform into target llvm, and I’d like to know which way could print the content of Relay IR and Tir IR , that might could help me to understand the TVM compiling flow.

Thanks for your suggestion.

Hi @chiuchiu,

  1. In TVM, an IRModule can represent both high-level relay.Function and low-level tir.PrimFunc, as shown in the graph in the Design and Architecture. My understanding is that tvm.lower() only does the lowering when the IRModule contains tir.PrimFunc. I think it’s worth adding comments around the API code to clarify it.

  2. Yes, transforms Relay IR to Tir IR and does the codegen. I think today it’s hard to inspect the compilation flow of each stage. There is a work in progress to replace the compile engine with TEcompiler to have an intermediate stage where Relay is lowered to TIR. I think once it’s done, it’s easier to print the content of TIR after lowering.

Hi @yuchenj ,

Thanks a lot for your reply. I need read more source code for understanding TVM compiling .