[DISCUSS] Adding a PyTorch Frontend

Hi all,

The PR by @alexwong at https://github.com/apache/incubator-tvm/pull/4497 is close to be ready for merge.

At this point I see no good reason not to add this to TVM, so when it becomes ready I’ll go ahead and merge it. Later I’ll send a control flow support to begin work on script models. Thanks.


This is really interesting!

I’m thinking this could enable a straight forward implementation of iterative retraining for networks that will be quantized.

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Hi All,

I am interested in this work, and I am wondering what is the status of Pytorch --> Relay IR?

Thanks, S.

NotImplementedError: The following operators are not implemented: [‘aten::values’]

I don’t think the PyTorch frontend supports sparse tensors at this time.

add Dict type in relay ?

Ah, sorry. I had checked ATen’s values function. But so you already found the thread discussing data types in the runtime / IR, so that bit would seem to come first. :slight_smile:

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[Frontend][PyTorch] NotImplementedError: The following operators are not implemented: [‘aten::is_floating_point’, ‘aten::true_divide’]