AttributeError: module 'tvm' has no attribute 'context'

I have build tvm from the source. Currently, on branch: main 40d5193a9 [origin/main] I am getting the below error while setting the context:

>>>import tvm
>>>ctx = tvm.context("cuda",0)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: module 'tvm' has no attribute 'context'
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What is your tvm version?

I am using: “0.8.dev0”

It has been renamed to tvm.device.


Many thanks @comaniac. It worked. Also, I had to fix graph_runtime error mentioned here AttributeError: module ‘tvm.contrib.graph_runtime’ has no attribute 'GraphModule - Questions - Apache TVM Discuss.

Please let me know if I can refer to these changes listed somewhere?


Those are the changes in the current dev branch ( so there’s no list for them yet. They should be in the official release note in 0.8.

Makes sense. Thanks again.