Hi @Grigory,
Glad to hear that you are interested in Relax and think it’s easy to use!
Relax has been integrated with MetaSchedule (the latest auto-tuning infrastructure in TVM), and we have benchmarked that Relax-MetaSchedule achieves the same performance as the current TVM main on ResNet on Nvidia V100 GPU.
One thing to note is right now Relax does not have a lot of operators, but the community is adding high-level ops to it incrementally (e.g., https://github.com/tlc-pack/relax/pull/266). While we are building our own op sets/op infra and importers, you can use the relay-to-relax translator to translate a Relay model into Relax and start from there, an example to translate a Relay ResNet model to Relax is here.
If your goal is to do benchmarking, you can apply Relax fusion pass (FuseOps, and FuseTIR) on the graph, and auto-tune the Relax program by MetaSchedule. Here is an e2e tuning script, and here is the script to tune ResNet workload over RPC on localhost using the e2e tuning script.
If you want to learn TVM and Relax, the best resource in my mind is the mlc course (Episode 4, 6, 9 are about Relax). Here is a Jupyter notebook about a series of Relax demos which demonstrate the overall compilation and execution flow, and includes the tuning part: relax_demo.ipynb · GitHub.
We are happy to answer your followup question!